We supply household sewing machines and overlockers of famous manufacturers – JANOME, ELNA, СHAYKA
We supply a variety of industrial sewing equipment JUKI
We supply wide range of ironing equipment METALNOVA and CHAYKA
We supply needles for household and industrial sewing machines ORGAN NEEDLES
We supply high quality tailor’s scissors PREMAX and KAI
We supply a large selection of different caskets for sewing accessories
We supply mannequins of different sizes and modifications from CHAYKA
We supply proffesional tailor’s pads from CHAYKA
We supply a wide range of various accessories for sewing and needlework, and spare parts for sewing machines
Uriekstes iela 32, c/o SIA BALTIC TRANSIT, Riga, LV-1005, Latvia
Phone: +371 2 9346032 Fax: +371 2 9346032 E-mail: post@sivek.ch Attn. Vladimir
Flat А, 8/F, Kingswell Commercial Tower, 171 Lockhart Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
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